Your Tax Deductible Donations Help Our Fellow Estonians in the USA and Eesti!

Ways to Donate

Donate by Check

Please send a check made payable toEstonian Relief Committee Inc.,  243 East 34th Street, New York, NY 10016

Donate Online NOW (Securely)

PayPal or Credit Card

Scan to donate with smartphone
Open Venmo app @EstoReliefUSA

Donate with a Bequest, Legacy Gift or Corporate Matching Gift

Please email for more information and to make arrangements.

Tax Deductible Donation: The Estonian Relief Committee, Inc. is a non-profit organization organized under IRC §501(c)(3) with EIN: 13-5576607. Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Code.

Receipts: For donations of $250 or more, the ERC will provide a written receipt. For donations less than $250, your cancelled check or confirmation from your PayPal, Credit Card or Venmo transaction serves as a receipt.

Public Charity: The Estonian Relief Committee (ERC) relies on donations and bequests from the public to meet its mission. Since its inception in 1941, the ERC has helped thousands of our fellow countrymen through our support of Estonian and Estonian-American organizations and programs.

Grant Decisions: The Board of Directors will consider making a grant for a specific cause within our mission, scope, budget and priorities so please contact us for consideration.


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