1. Contact information
For organizations:
– representative name, address, phone, email
– organization name, address, phone, email, website
– organization EIN (in U.S.) or MTÜ# (in Estonia)
– organization type (501c(x), non-profit association, …)
For individuals: name, address, phone, email
2. Charitable purpose and how it meets the ERC mission
3. Project description including schedule and who/how many people will benefit
4. Total project budget and other sources of funds you will depend on
5. Funding amount requested from the ERC and when/how the money will be spent
6. Grant payment information
– U.S. payments: recipient name and address for checks;
add email address if set up for mobile payments
– International wire: bank name, address, SWIFT/BIC routing code;
recipient name, address, account number/IBAN and type;
7. Acknowledgement of receipt of funds via email to grants@estoreliefusa.org within 7 days of receipt
8. Agreement to provide written proof via email to grants@estoreliefusa.org within 90 days, documenting the charitable use of donated ERC funds including copies of bills, receipts and proof of payment
9. Agreement to provide written summary and photos regarding the use of the grant that can be used in ERC newsletters, website and other marketing information
10. Additional information (voluntary)
If you wish to apply for monetary support on behalf of an Estonian-American or Estonian organization or project, please submit a written grant request with all required information.
All grant requests must be submitted in writing:
(i) email the completed downloadable form to the ERC Grants Director at grants@estoreliefusa.org
(ii) online by filling out the internet form
Requests written in English are preferred to meet our record keeping requirements in the U.S.
The Board of Directors makes all decisions regarding grant requests based on the mission, scope, priorities and budget of the ERC.
The ERC does not fund scholarships. Please contact the Estonian Students’ Fund USA for scholarship grants and project options.
During and/or after the use of the granted funds, grantees are required to furnish written proof that the funds are being used for the intended charitable purposes and to provide photos/videos and short summaries that can be shared in ERC marketing information.
Tax deductible donations can be made by check, PayPal, credit card and VENMO. For bequests, please contact president@estoreliefusa.org
We respect your privacy and will not share your information!
You will receive our annual Christmas letter and occasional Newsletters.
The Estonian Relief Committee, Inc. is a U.S. non-profit organization organized under IRC §501(c)(3). The ERC provides financial support to charitable organizations of Estonian heritage and culture in the United States and in Estonia. Our registered EIN is 13-5576607.
Estonian Relief Committee
243 East 34th Street
New York, NY 10016-4852